Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yearning to CooK

"I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?" She said, "Somewhere I have never been!" I told her, "How about the kitchen?" 
~Henny Youngman

I remember always standing next to my mom every time she mixed the flour, KC powder, and water in a bowl to make home made tortillas. I would help her roll the dough and that's about it. I used to watch her sort out pinto beans, pick the good ones, throw out the bad ones, watch them boil, and then have her smash them into refried beans in a pan...and that's about it. She hardly would ever let me or my sister stand in the kitchen or watch while she was cooking (then again, our kitchen was tiny.) We were never invited and sometimes...I was afraid to ask.


Maybe to an extent.

It's different in our home. My husband is the main cook in the family. I'm not afraid to admit it. He cooks more than me...and he loves it. The girls all love hovering, learning and even helping in cooking dinner. Sometimes I wonder that if my mom allowed me to spend more time with her in the kitchen while I was younger, if the desire to cook at a younger age would have developed sooner... instead of now while I'm nearing 40!

Since we moved to New Jersey, Jon's been working more, hence giving me more opportunity (and more reason) to cook more. I really want to become this gourmet cook. I have always been a huge fan of Rachael Ray. I have a subscription to her Everyday magazine.

 The first year we moved here, she came to our local Sam's Club for a book signing. She was promoting her Big Orange Book:
 I was so excited and even stood in line with my three girls for two hours so I can meet her and have her sign my book. She truly inspires me and motivated me more to cook.
Rachael Ray with Sierra, Lexie, & Chelsea-2008

Everyday food from Martha Stewart is another favorite of mine, and today I bought this:

It has a collection of fresh, flavorful meals that are easy to prepare. Just like Rachael Ray's meals...prep times for these recipes are 10, 20, and 30 minutes.

When you are a mother of four and always on the go with a teenager, these meals have come in handy. I may not always prepare them perfectly, but I'm trying. I love my kids and want them to know that by expressing it through my cooking. I know my husband loves us very much because his dishes are delicious...and he's never told me to go to the kitchen.

*Who's the cook in your family?
*Have you tried any of Rachael Ray's recipes?
*If so, any favorites?

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