Sunday, February 6, 2011

More than a Piano Teacher

This past week it seems like half of the country was pummeled with ice, snow & sleet. We haven't received anymore snow here in New Jersey, but the past few days have been gloomy & foggy without any sunshine. I refuse to let this weather bring me down. Luckily, my girls bring home the "sunshine" by playing the piano. They all recently began piano lessons...again.

My dear friend Rikki teaches them and she is more than a piano teacher to us... she is like family.
We are both from the south (she's from Georgia). We both understand each other very well and love blogging! We both have sons that are growing faster than weeds, and have a strong love for the Savior and we can talk about anything. The only difference between us is our age. She is 18 years younger than me. I have learned so much from her in so many ways. I can confide in her in all things. Friends like her are very rare. I am so grateful to have her in my life and in my daughters lives as their friend and mentor. I've always been blessed to have at least one good friend every time we've moved. I thank my Heavenly Father each day for bringing her to my path.

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, "What?" "You too!" I thought I was the only one!"
~ C.S. Lewis

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