Friday, July 8, 2011

It's the little things that matter most

I have been thinking a lot lately about observing the needs of others, and recognizing the little things that I often overlook, and sometimes take for granted. With all the trips that we've taken since school has been out...I realize that the purpose of those trips was to save me from all the hustle and bustle that Jersey seems to be defined as (at least in my eyes), and that I needed to get away so that I can keep my sanity in tact...and to spend quality time with my family.

I always look forward to General Conference because the talks are so inspiring. I saw this video clip last month on, and it really opened up my eyes even wider as to what's important in this life. I then read President Uchtdorf's talk titled Of things that Matter most. I'm so glad I did. I always find his words comforting, soothing, and so true. They aspire me in becoming a better member of the church and sister in Christ.  I know that with being a wife and mother of four running around in different directions can be a little hectic. Living in New Jersey for the past three years has been a little too fast paced for me. I have learned to tolerate it, but we as a family refuse to be hasty and to allow the meteoric lifestyle interfere with our dallying lives.

Maybe I haven't payed much attention in the past, but lately the hugging around here has become more frequent. Frequent enough that I have been paying enough attention to notice them. Maybe it's because  the girls have a baby brother running around the house always giving hugs, maybe it's because of the way life can be in New Jersey...always rushed, or maybe it's just the fact that I have begun to diligently notice the small and simple things that happen in our daily life. I LOVE hugs and I have taught my girls well in being endearing to others.

I have also become softer in my parenting ways since I had my son. It doesn't matter to me if he gets four onesies dirty in one day or if Chelsea left her crayons out which resulted in Noah getting a hold of one, hence coloring on the wall. Those are petty things. Clothes can be washed and walls can be cleaned. I've learned to just laugh with it.

Instead of taking pictures and hiding behind the lens of the camera, I want to be a part of that picture, as well as really looking closely as to what is being depicted in that photograph.

I thought that I was doing pretty well in how I've been handling things since moving up here. Little did I know it takes a lot more work in being fully attentive to not only the needs of my family, but the needs of others without feeling we need to be compensated, and without letting the distractions of the world prevent me from doing otherwise. I know with our nomadic lifestyle we've drawn even closer as a family, but there were some moments where I know I wasn't fully attentive in their presence.

It's never too late to change the things we'd like to improve on. I'm a firm believer in that.

"Diligently doing the things that matter most...will lead us to the Savior of the world."
~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

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