Saturday, May 11, 2013

the best mom I can be.

Being a mother is one of the greatest blessings in my life, and most of those blessings come from my mother. 

My mother did her best in raising me, and I feel as if I've come a long way in what I've learned from her. I have fond memories of our life together, and some sad. What I will always treasure are the fond ones. 

Throughout the years as I got older, and converted my life to Christ I knew that I wanted to become the best mother when it came to having a family. I also knew that I wanted to take the best attributes I learned from her with me, and correct any mistakes that she did while raising me. 

And I hope that I did. 

My mom had a rough life and because of her example of strength, and endurance I want to be the best mom I can be.  

There are days when motherhood can be hard. There are days when I cry, and days when I laugh. There are days when I smile, and days when I want to pull my hair out. But at the end of the day going to bed exhausted is a sign that I gave all of my energy in entertaining, and being attentive to my kids. 
Telling them I love them gives them assurance that no matter what kind of day I've had whether it was filled with stress, or happiness that love abides in my heart all around them.  

It is my hope that as my daughters grow up, and when it is their time to become a mother that they will learn from all the mistakes I've done (and believe me I've done quite a lot), and that they too will remember to correct them. 
And that our only son will find a wife who is kind, loving, spiritual, and a lover of children.
So to all you mothers out there I wish you the very best in being a mom, and in teaching them all about love, and mothering. Cherish, love, and take interest in all of their needs because they sure grow up way too fast. 

Although motherhood can be challenging at times especially in this generation we know that we can turn to the light of Christ who helped create our children.

He is the goodness that comes from the innocence that our children carry, and I pray that like a child I'll be able to have some of that innocence when it comes to being a mom.

"What matters is that a mother Loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else."~Russell M. Ballard (Daughters of God General Conference April)

**Happy Mothers Day!**

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