Thursday, October 17, 2013

Downton Abbey is my drama.

Being facebook friends with Downton Abbey has its pros and cons. Pros because you get to read what is new for Downton such as new actors, who's leaving the show, when it should be airing in the US, etc., and cons such as residents from the United Kingdom talking about episodes that haven't even aired yet in the U.S., hence spoiling it for those who haven't seen them. don't have to worry about that with me because I don't give out spoiler alerts!
So yesterday around noon I found a link to watch season four of Downton and I was excited!! I immediately logged onto the website, and tada...there were the first four episodes of Downton Abbey online begging to be clicked by my little finger! I was happy to have found it at the right time while the kids were at school (Lexie can watch them later.) All was quiet in the house except for Noah who could have easily watched them with me, but it's kind of hard to keep a toddler still on a chair while watching a show on a mac.

My solution...

Since Noah has been wanting Christmas for a week now I asked him what movie he wanted to watch and he said "Polar Express." I didn't care and so I put that sucker in. So while he watched his movie I tuned into my Downton Abbey episodes without any interruptions.

I love Downton. I will always remember the first time I saw the first episode in 2011, and how I had to brag about it on my little blog. There is something about these Edwardian shows that make you want to go back in time and live in it. It would be nice to live on a posh country estate in Europe having my own footmen, maids, and cooks to wait on me. I wouldn't need a nanny because I can nurture my kids on my own! 

If you're a Dickens, or Jane Austen fan, and haven't watched this series you need to get out and catch up. It is handsomely produced, and enjoyable to watch. It is riveting, and if you like hokey melodrama this is your show. It kind of reminds me of the series Upstairs Downstairs which aired in the 70's which i need to finish watching!!

All I will say is this. Lady Mary is slowly adjusting to Matthew's death, and is improving. The episodes so far are pretty good...except for the third one. Terribly sad. Anyway I look forward to watching the rest of season four before 2014! 
And then I will watch it again on PBS on January 5th, and eventually purchase Season four on DVD. 

I love me some Downton Abbey, and that is the drama in my life! 

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