While I was sitting down inside an Episcopalian church waiting to hear my daughter sing with the UARTS choir I was contemplating and having somewhat of a flashback. Not because I was Episcopalian, but because this church I was sitting in reminded me of the catholic church I used to attend when I was a child. The smell of an old pew with red velour colored padding, and a cushion underneath my feet so that one can kneel in prayer seemed all too familiar to me. The feeling of sitting inside this nostalgic, beautiful, "elaborate in detail" building felt different, but knowing that I was sitting in a house of worship for the sole purpose of hearing my daughter sing was good enough for me...and it was gratifying.
^^ Sierra & Liv, chorus girls ^^
This was my daughters first and final performance she will do with the university chorus. Her freshman year at UARTS didn't really give her too much opportunity to perform & "shine", and even though she won't be returning to this school next semester she is grateful for having a great piano teacher, and for learning and experiencing things she probably wouldn't have learned elsewhere.
This evening was wonderful, and everyone sang so beautifully. Oh my gosh! Their voices! I didn't realize how great a university choir sounds compared to any choir in high school. Okay...Highland high school's Chorale was good, and I'm not just saying that because my daughter was part of it, but seriously...attend a choir concert at the University of the Arts and you'll "hear" what I'm talking about.
I tried to get record as much as I could being that this was Sierra's final performance, and even though she didn't have a solo I could still hear her lovely voice. As you can see she is in the middle standing in the front row. For those of you who haven't heard her sing yet you can watch her on my you tube channel as well as on my vimeo videos.
I'll close this post with this video of Sierra singing "Silent Night". She sang it in her junior year of high school & being that it's the Christmas season I think it's a perfect ending to get into the holiday spirit!
Enjoy the sounds & have a great day!
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