Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Photos from our Snow Day, Part I.

When I looked at the forecast last week I was excited to see that we were going to have snow this past weekend. Little did I know we were going to get swamped with nine inches! The weatherman said we were only to expect an inch or so, but holy moly we got quite a bit! 

And we were longing for it for quite some time (more like years!!)

It began to snow while we were at stake conference this past Sunday, and when it was over I looked outside, and I was thrilled. Thrilled to see the big, thick snowflakes falling, and it looked so pretty. The only issue I had was the fact that the streets were not plowed or salted, but that's how they roll up here...especially when it's unexpected. Luckily both Jon and I know what to expect when driving in the snow, and to be super cautious of other drivers. We saw so many accidents on our way home, and it was quite a sad sight.  

The 15 minute drive home ended up turning into an hour due to the snow, and even though it took forever I'm grateful for arriving home in safety. Good thing I was given a ton of chocolate by one of my dear friends at church. She must have been clairvoyant in knowing that we were going to need that for the long drive home, and it was devoured within minutes!  

As soon as we got home the kids wanted to go outside, and take advantage of this glorious weather. We didn't care that it was Sunday, and so I allowed them to go outside to venture out in the snow, and take in all the glory of a snowy mother nature. 

Sierra wasn't expecting to stay overnight for stake conference, but was happy to have been here while it snowed. Living in Philly has its advantages, but when it snows she doesn't think she would been able to play in it like this! 
 ^^ a little free falling ^^ 
 ^^ and a little bit of a snowball fight ^^
And then the next day (Monday) school was cancelled (which was to be expected), and that's when Noah and Chelsea broke out the sled, and went outside to play in the snow. Snowball fights fights, and a little bit of laughter while trying to build a snowman ended up being the highlight of that day.

And they had a blast.
It has been a pretty good week thus far with the snow and all, and even though my kids love going to school they were happy to have been home to play in this white powder. Stay tuned for part two of our second snow day later on this week!

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