Monday, December 16, 2013

19 years and counting.

December has got to be one of the most exhausting months of the year (at least for us) for the mere fact of celebrating three very special occasions. 

Our anniversary, Jon's birthday, and Christmas. Especially with Jon driving for UPS five days a week, it seems that all he wants to do these days is take a long winters nap. But he doesn't. And no matter how many times I tell him to rest, he won't. Because he loves meeeee....We are sleep deprived, but after 19 years we keep smiling. We keep keep having trials, and disagreements, but at the end of the day we laugh, and keep it together. 

No matter where we have celebrated our anniversary dinner whether it be a simple meal at our daughters fundraiser, or a very nice restaurant every year has been precious. This year we celebrated our anniversary in NYC, and it was surreal. Surreal because this was the very first time that we have gone without the kids. Alone. Sans bambino baby. Surreal because we were celebrating a special occasion in one of the worlds most magical cities. 
We ate dinner at one of our "new" favorite restaurants, and we had so much fun. I think finding the photo booth downstairs (as i was heading toward the restroom) was the highlight of our evening. We felt like little kids again acting goofy, and laughing as each photo was being taken. I hope when our kids look at that photo that they will think of things like love, hope, and faith. Because those are the three things that have kept our marriage going. I am so happy that we have made it this far, and it's not going to stop there. 

Reflecting back on our wedding day brings a huge smile on my face knowing that I am still with the man of my dreams. Nineteen years...not quite a milestone, but it's still a pretty big deal to me. I'm sure when we hit the 20 year mark it will be huge!

Happy anniversary to us!!

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