And I have missed it!
As much as I love spending time with my girls there's something about Noah being the only boy in the family which brings out the soft touch in me. You'd think I would be this gruff, and rough mom when I'm with our son, but I'm not. (There's a time and a place for that!) Our time together is pretty laid back, and when we go out to venture the unknown we both get super excited. Taking him to the Pez Candy Factory yesterday was his "best day ever" and I think it's because he won a free Pez dispenser, and the fact that I had a $4.00 off coupon which I redeemed on a transformer Pez dispenser that cost $5.99 made his entire day!
I love coming to the New England area because there are so many hidden gems to go to. I love that it's a two hour drive, and that we can make a day trip of it!
The Pez factory is amazing, and if you live close by it's worth the trek. For 5 bucks a person you can tour the world of Pez!
I was amazed at all the old Pez dispensers they had dating back from the 1950's which included the Pez girl! Remember her? Oh my gosh! Too bad my mom wasn't a Pez freak otherwise I would have owned that one!
Many of the oldest items are on display in these cases including original advertisements from the 1930's, and these U.S. presidents! We even got to play a little bingo where Noah won a free prize! It was so cool trying to find so many dispensers dated back from the 50's!
Noah took a picture of me of my Pez face. I know, not a funny face, but Noah wanted to get back to the tour after I took some of him!
These old Pez machines! Why did they have to become obsolete? And check out this pez themed chopper. It was built by the Orange County Choppers in 2006. Noah thought it was pretty cool! Thinking of not going home! He could have stayed here all day!!!
Afterwards we had lunch at a yummy place in Bethel called the Hot dog Palace, and yummy ice cream at Ferris Acres Creamery. There are snippets of those moments on my Insta stories, and you can view them before they disappear!
Such a treat to take out my boy so that I can have one on one time with him. I love the bond we have, and how he loves to converse with me about everything, and anything. I only hope he continues to do that with me especially when he reaches his teens! I have two more days to spend with these little guy, and we are going to make the best of our time alone together. Even if it rains!

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