Monday, April 6, 2015

Our Easter Weekend.

Easter this year was somewhat bittersweet Easter for the mere fact that two of my oldest daughters weren't with us. They had the opportunity of attending two seasons of general conference. It's very rare where Easter falls on the same weekend as conference, but none the less it was a beautiful Sunday. All the talks focused on family, and looking towards the Savior and with that being said made me appreciate my girls even more! You think you already appreciate your family, and I do, but there comes that moment  in your life when we are tested. Tested to the point when your five year old won't let you rest, and your 10 year old is willing to help, but not entirely! That's when I really take in all my appreciation I have for my two oldest daughters who are away at the moment. My middle daughter who, because of her busy high school schedule is not always around to help, and when she is I feel she doesn't do enough, but after listening to the talks she truly does a lot! I just have to open my eyes, and recognize it more deeply. However, I am extremely grateful that Sierra, and Lexie are spending this time together out west, and knowing that they are surrounded by family, and great friends puts me at ease.
For the past few years our Easter holiday has become more focused on the Savior as opposed to the Easter Bunny. I haven't taken my two youngest children to see the Easter Bunny in 10 years, and I don't miss it. Our focus as a family has become more toward the Savior, and His atonement, and seriously applying it in our lives. And like Him, we will all live again, and be together forever in hopes that we will make it back home to live with Him. As overwhelming as it sounds knowing that there is no world without end is a blessing, and even though I sometimes can't fathom it, I know it will be glorious. Knowing that there is no end to my life, and that families are true and everlasting brings me so much comfort.
One thing I cannot take away from the kids is the mini Easter egg hunt we have before conference as well as our confetti egg making tradition (it's a Mexican thing!). The kids love cracking cascarones on everyones heads (including me), and it is the funnest tradition of our Easter. One thing I have done throughout the years is print up the story of Jesus, put different pieces of the puzzle of the story inside 12 Easter eggs, and the kid who ends up with the empty egg (which represents the empty tomb) gets a special treat. Usually cadbury eggs, or jelly beans! 
Conference continues to bring back gentle reminders. Reminders that if we live in a way that is pleasing to God we will be okay. In spite of living in a world where the culture is "temporary", having the gospel in our lives, and seriously applying it in our home, and our children's lives helps me to be the strongest mother of all. I can't even imagine how life will be for Noah, and Chelsea in five, or even ten years! But with daily praying & scripture study teaching them what is right in the home, as well as attending church to learn I have faith that they will be just fine.

Hope y'all had a beautiful Easter Sunday ;-)

**In case you want to know what General Conference is all can watch all the talks here. Inspiring to the max! 

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