One thing I look forward to during the summer time is reading!!! I have been struggling to finish this book, and have extended the due date, and because its so good I'm just going to go ahead and buy it! One thing the kids look forward to during summer is going to the library. We try to go at least twice a month during the school year, but this year has been pretty impossible. With Noah going to school half a day the morning flies, and with after school activities there just isn't enough time in the day to venture out there. I remember when Noah and I would walk to the library, and because Noah wasn't in preschool we'd come home on our own leisure. I was his teacher for five years, and to get back those days to go to the library, check out some books, and just lounge around on a comfy couch in the library to read was dreamy. Okay, now I'm thinking of Matilda. Luckily on this day the kids didn't have anything going on after school, and on their own motive asked if they could go to the library. Of course I said yes! Since it's only a couple of blocks away they wanted to walk, but we ended up driving because...rain. The sun is still trying her hardest to shine, but the clouds are just taking over. The weather around this time is so different compared to last year, and although I'm getting used to these dreary, and cloudy days with scattered showers here and there, I snap out of it, and so do the kids, and they do it with...............books!
Noah has become obsessed with everything marvel. Ever since Lexie exposed him to captain america, spider man, superman, and iron man he wants to read everything that has a superhero photo on the cover. He's really getting into comic books like his pa, and even though I feel like they could be a little too much to read, I make sure there are is no graphic content in them. Because Lexie is a fast reader she is pretty good, at judging a book through flipping through the pages quickly, and if she sees any type of curse word, or innuendo she puts it right back on the shelf.
Chelsea always lucks out, and finds great books to read. I don't think she'll ever out grow the Judy Blume phase. She'll be reading those books until she's 20!
Of course Lexie has to pick out the thickest book there is on the shelf, and also because...Orson Scott Card! She's a fan, and loves the book Enders game so much to the point where she has read it a gazillion times, and has a little crush on Asa Butterfield who plays Jacob in this movie which comes out this summer! She's read the entire series, and so she's excited to see the movie, and how they portray it.
Even though he's a fan of marvel comic books, he's an even bigger fan of Transformers. He really wanted to check out this book, and so he did. He is hooked!
These kids always have a grand time at the library. They can be there for hours, and like piano, I think they'd rather read than eat, and sleep! It's amazing what books can do in the life of a child. I know for me, reading, and really getting into the characters of the book is a way for me to relax, and escape. That's why I look forward to summer because it truly is the season to relax, sit down, and read a book.
Or in our case, try to read as much books as we can!!
Happy Monday folks!
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