Friday, September 30, 2016

Date Night At The Temple Before Conference Weekend!

Now before you say to yourself, "Not again! Not another temple picture with a post about the temple!" 

First of all, I just want to let you know that I won't be posting too much about our temple trips unless there is something absolutely significant to write about. I mean, the temple is amazing, and my experiences when I attend and then leave are always, always good so why shouldn't I write about it. Thing is, is that I don't want to come off  on this blog as this perfect, goody two shoes, mormon mom who thinks that just because i express my love for God, His word, and the temple means I'm all that, because even though I know all of those things are true, and important in my life, I am soooooo far from perfection! And this is why I attend the temple as much as I can. And the fact that general conference is this weekend gave me the desire to write a little bit of why the temple, for the fifteenth time is important to me! 

I love the change of season, and the Philly temple couldn't have opened up at a better date that in September which is my birthday month. I love the fall season, and with each season comes renewal for me, and having a brand new temple in our area makes that change for me this year even better. 

Ever since I went through the temple years ago I've always gone on or around my birthday. Whether it's with a friend, or with Jon I've always gone. And since my birthday falls right before conference I have always made the effort to go.

Well, this year, I have to say that I am so grateful to have picked the perfect person to attend the Philly temple with for the first time since it got dedicated. Jon and I absolutely love the temple, and really have a deep appreciation for it. We know how hard it can be to get there, but now that we are less than an hour away from one we are going to try to attend as much as we can. He had a day off yesterday which is very rare, and after renewing drivers licenses, fixing the car, and running a few errands until 4pm I was like, "let's go to the temple." We are a spontaneous type of people, and so after taking our girls to youth group at our church we hauled off to the temple, and made it just in time for the 8:00 session! 

The past few months have been trying only because we relocated to a new area with new schools, and adjusting to a new area sometimes isn't as easy as we think. We've now gotten ourselves into a routine, and the kids are transitioning a bit better, but just because we are doing well doesn't mean that we are exempt from moments of struggle, exhaustion, or even stress. Especially when something, or someone causes it. 

I can't even begin to explain the feeling I got as I uttered those words to Jon the other day about going to the temple. There are other things I could have been doing such as catching up with the laundry, stocking up the fridge, watching Gilmore girls on netflix, finishing up a book, going to the theatre, but the first thing that popped into my mind was going to the temple. Like President Monson said, "the blessings of the temple are priceless, no sacrifice is too great."

It didn't matter to me all the things that could have been done, but knowing that by going to the temple I receive strength in being able to handle the life of running around this new town driving three kids to three different schools, all while keeping the house in order. G

As I was getting ready for the temple I felt like I was going to the temple for the first time. I showered, got dressed, and to tell our kids over dinner why we are dressed up on a school night so that we can go to the temple brought excitement all around. The entire time I was anxious, grateful, and happy knowing that we were going to the temple because my goodness, I really need the temple to rejuvenate myself with that extra strength to get me through all that we have gone through with the day-to-day, and all the challenges that await us. 

Because challenges will always come. They always tend to sneak up on us when we least expect it!

However, I am grateful for the lovely breaks of being challenged-free in between those trials, and for the temple that helps me quiet my mind, and puts my life in perspective in knowing how to better my life. On our way out the door, I loved how Noah gave us hugs, and said, "mommy can I come. Can i go the temple with you all?" And how Lexie said, "I'm going through withdrawal from the temple, and can't wait to go again in a couple of weeks." My heart was overjoyed because of their comments. They really do love the temple, and I know they do because of the feeling they get when we are on the grounds, and when Lexie goes in. I'm grateful that our kids have felt a feeling of happiness coming from us which will help teach them that it is indeed a beautiful place to be, and that the reason behind it is not only to gain strength, but to progress the work of the Lord by doing family names, and bringing others to share in the joy of Christ. That is the whole purpose as to why we go to the temple, and why we have so many of them. My hope is that all my children will see how happy we are when we come home from the temple so that they can have the same feeling when it's their turn to enter in! 

And here's a grainy selfie of us taken after the temple. We would have asked someone to take a photo of us, but since it was 11pm there was no one around! 
The temple is so important to us, and it my hope that we can always make time to serve in the temple. President Nelson taught, "service in the temple, is a sublime activity for a family." How true that is. I see the look on my kids faces when we say, "get dressed kids because we are going to the temple." 

We are really looking forward to general conference this weekend! And to get you pumped up for the temple you can listen to this talk, and you can also log on to to listen to the word of our church leaders. I promise you will leave feeling hopeful, peaceful, and inspired longing for more! 

Have a wonderful weekend folks, and get ready for October!!! Say what!! 

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