I had seen this young man taking pictures of a young couple earlier, and thought to myself..."how nice it is for someone to take nice pictures of them." It reminded me of my modeling days, and remembered how alive I felt when someone was taking my picture. It sure was a fun memory.
As I was about to leave the park I decided to take pictures of Chelsea on a wooden train made out of logs. As I took my last photo of her that same young man asked if it was okay to take her picture. I was surprised because I don't really expect that in New York. I was tempted to say no because I didn't want to take up the time that the couple must have paid for him to take pictures of them. They didn't mind, and said to me that Chelsea was one of the cutest kids they'd ever seen! Of course I obliged, and he took a few shots.
He didn't charge me, and sent these pics via email. It was such a windy day so her hair is in her face, but I think he did a great job and Chelsea turned out pretty cute.
Compared to the pictures I took...yeah, I think he got me beat!
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