Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My golden curly haired little boy

Since summer is just around the corner I have been debating on cutting Noah's hair. When he sweats he pours, and his stench is that of a puppy dog. A smell I'm not used to since I've raised girls. I'm not sure how to tame his mane, and I certainly don't want to buzz, snip, clip, or cut any part of his curls on the back of his head, but it is starting to look a little long on the sides. I have to put his hair behind his ears as if he's a girl. I seriously need to somehow trim his hair without cutting off those sweet curls.

Any ideas? As y'all know he is my first boy, and any advice would be helpful.

No matter where we go everyone including my own family tells me he looks nothing like me except that he has my eyes, and my nose. I also get a bonus because of my curls. That's pretty much all people say he inherited from me. It doesn't bother me as much anymore. I just grateful that he is a healthy, sweet, and good looking little boy!
Curls or no curls...I know that he's mine, and that I carried him for nine months. He knows I'm 'the mama' and that's all that matters. Who knows when he gets older if he'll skin will turn olive, and his hair will get darker. Only time will tell.

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