Thursday, August 2, 2012

A SOAR Family.

Emily & Sierra at BYU campus checking in to SOAR
It's been a little over two weeks since Sierra came home from Utah & she is constantly being tagged in photos from various friends she met at SOAR on her Facebook. Although I already blogged about her to trip to Utah to attend this program I decided to add just a few more pictures. 
Who knows...maybe at one point when she has some free time she can blog about her experiences in her own words.

So for now I'll just leave you with still pictures from the program she attended called-SOAR.
Noheli and Sierra were joined at the hip since day one. They both had a lot in common, and I mean that literally. They are both friends with a mutual friend/missionary who happens to be serving in Colorado. 

Any guesses who that may be? 
Hint hint...she met him at EFY last summer.
It truly is a small world, and both had an amazing time building their friendship and learning together along with their "SOAR family". 
This five day program consisted of having a ropes course on day one, hiking the Y, going to Temple Square, discussed life long learning, service, and on character building. They each brought their talent, and shared something from their culture, prepped for their ACT's and also took the test. 
She had the most amazing time with of all her "brown" friends. She loves them all, and hopes to continue to keep in touch with them. What a wonderful opportunity this was for her, and I'm so grateful she experienced this.
These are her friends for life, and this is her SOAR family. 

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