Monday, December 5, 2016

Holiday Train Show At The New York Transit Museum.

For the past four years I've been wanting to take Noah to the holiday train show at the New York transit train museum during the holidays, but every time we've gone to new york it just never panned out. We'd end up doing other things, and before you know it, it's time to go home, and Noah would be crashed out. Now that Noah's in school full time it's hard to take him out during the day unless it's a holiday or an in-service day for teachers.
Luckily we have our saturdays to explore, and do the things that bring the kids pleasure, because when they're happy i'm happy. The only thing is that there are not enough Saturdays in the month of December. But we make the best of it, and pretty much have been keeping our christmases simple with less gifts, and more outings for us to venture as a family. 

Jon and I feel that family time, and making memories is more important than any worldly gift. So by going on road trips, and venturing out to places that brings us joy, and bond us together as a family is more meaningful than any material gift. 

So this past Saturday Lexie and I finally took Noah to see the holiday train show in grand central station.  Since Jon had some minor surgery Chelsea decided to stay home to tend to him. They both said to just take Noah, and have a good time, and so we did. Truth is, it felt a bit weird without them, but we ended up having a grand time! Especially Noah! He's seven years old, and still has a love for trains. I captured a few photos, and was very impressed with the detail of the exhibit. It kind of reminded of the Northlandz train exhibit, but this one is smaller.
 ^^^ Standing in the middle of Grand Central, and the smile on Noah's face shows how excited he is to finally go to the little train museum. ^^^ 
^^^ I mean...look at that grin! ^^^ 
^^^ Look! It's King Kong! ^^^
Although the train show runs through February there's nothing like going to see some trains during the holidays! Especially when it's all decked out Christmas style! 
  Noah literally did not want to leave, and he had an amazing time!


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