Especially when Chelsea went with us on an easter egg hunt last year in Merchantville. The cut off age was 11 so she got lucky. Then again, she told me afterwards how she felt weird being around a lot of little kids, and how bad she felt that some of them weren't finding the eggs so she went ahead and gave them some of her own. Sweet girl, but this year she finally joins in with Lexie in hiding the easter eggs for their little bro, and they had fun doing it!
Roosevelt island is a small, quaint, and quiet island. Some call it the "lonely island" but who cares! I like the fact that it's away from Manhattan, yet still so close via tram. We found ourselves a spot in the open under the bridge where the girls carefully hid the eggs. I snapped a few shots of Noah while he was patiently waiting. As soon as they were done he scurried along the boundary where they hid them, and he found all 20 of the eggs. He was a happy camper, and had so much fun.
We ventured out afterwards walking along the island. This is such a beautiful gem away from Manhattan. I forget that it's even part of New york!
And just look at those blossoms! Seriously though!!
Re-watching Spiderman with Noah and remembering the tram scene was surreal, and all Noah kept saying was, "look mom! This is the thing where spiderman saved all the people from." He was talking about the tram. Can't believe how quick he's growing!

Roosevelt Island truly is a hidden gem with landmarks, and quaint shops on the main street. We also ate at the River Cafe which had the most amazing burgers!
Jon said if we ever decided to live in New York which is a huge dream thought, this is the place where he'd want to live. And because of the tram scene from Spiderman, Noah agreed with him!
And so do I!
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