Volunteering at Noah's puts a ginormous smile on his face, and all the other kids get excited to see all the other moms that volunteered to help out. They know that means 'party time!" The winter party last year was super fun, and the kids had such a great time! For our spring party we had another tossing game, and the kids had a choice to make a chick, bunny, or lamb craft. It is so cute how Noah has gotten into crafts, and how he always wants to do one every week. His daily question has been, "mommy, can we go to michaels, or goodwill and find a craft." It's amazing the treasures you find at thrift stores!
We recently found a wooden dog you can paint, and while Jon and I went to a church conference for our date night the girls, and Noah all had a craft night! We came home to a beautifully zebra-colored dog.

So crafts along with games, cookies, and milk along with a good book to read to the kids made for a perfect spring party! I love reading aloud to the kids, and I love how they sat down so nicely ready to listen, and it makes me feel so good knowing that these kids love to hear stories. We read the cutest story called "Puddle Jumpers" which was perfect spring story because of all the rain we were getting that week. Noah wanted to sit by me the entire time! Love this kid of mine!
Love you my little chick face!
Now let's go have some more spring fun!
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