Last month I got called to be the missionary meal coordinator for our young missionaries who are serving full time. I absolutely love them as if they were my own kids, and have done my best to have members sign up to have them in their home not only to feed them, but to share a message of light as well. There are so many reasons why we enjoy their company. My kids love having them over, and we try to have them over as much as we can. They love the example they set for them. They love it when they interact with them especially when you have an elder who was once into legos, and transformers! They love the kind spirit that they bring. The ambiance in the home goes from an 8 to a 12! Even before having this calling we've loved having them over. It's always nice to meet, and get to know the different elders, and sisters who serve our area in hopes that they feel loved, and welcome.

Every calling I've had in the church is important but this one is extra special to me, and something that I don't take lightly. There is only so much I can do in order to help our missionaries to be fed, and I hope members in our congregation will be touched by the spirit, and have the desire to serve them in anyway that they can...with food, and love!
My calling as primary teacher was a bit challenging at times only because I had a few boys with the same personality including my own son, but overall they are good boys, and I really enjoyed my time teaching them true principles. Lucy and Dylan were the sweetest girls, and I hope that they will continue to grow in truth by their new teacher. I hope that as they get older throughout the years they'll see the importance of how much they need the gospel in their lives. Teaching them young not only in the church, but in our homes as well will help them have a better understanding, and view of who they are, and why they are learning of Jesus Christ. Believe me, even at eight years old kids are like sponges, and learn quick! We just need to remind them that they are a child of God, and how much they are loved by Him.So far the past year and a half in Princeton ward has been quite interesting, and no matter how challenging times can get I always strive to lift myself up, and do my best to serve!
Here's hoping y'all have a wonderful week ahead, and a little reminder to feed your missionaries no matter where you live!
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