Sunday, June 19, 2011

To the Father of my Children...

Father's are wonderful people 
too little understood
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...
But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
and they merit loving compliments
And accolade of praise,
For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
 And to bring them Happiness...
And like our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide, 
Someone that we can count on 
To be always on our side. 

This poem best describes you babe, and I am grateful that you chose me as your wife to be with for eternity. We have a special bond that can NEVER be broken!
You truly are my BEST FRIEND!!!

You are such a hard worker and no matter how tired you are, every time I feel the need to get in the car and just get out of Jersey, you don't question it... you just do it. We will pack in all the kids and drive all hours of the night. You do it because you know it'll make me happy, but most of all because I need it. 

You are the greatest example to our children, and to me. I can't believe we have known each other for a total of 20 years! You've taught me to be patient with others, and to let the little things go. You are teaching our daughters how to handle stressful situations as they get older and because of the kindness, patience, peace, and unconditional love you unveil...they are following that example. 
I LOVE that you have a strong testimony, and are not afraid to share it with others.
I admire the time you take in preparing and taking your calling as Seminary teacher very seriously...yet at the same time really enjoying, and having fun with it.  

You truly are rare, and there are NOT a lot of men out there like you.
I thank you for all the times you've listened to me vent about my day after having spent long hours at work.

 I thank you for the advice you give me when I need it.

 I thank you for always being there for Noah & the girls when I need a little time to myself. 

I thank you for always carrying your children on your shoulders no matter how big they get.

I thank you for helping me have beautiful baby girls..
 especially a beautiful son!

But most of all, I thank you for being like our Heavenly Father. Like Him, you are our guide as patriarch in this family, and I appreciate that more than you'll ever know.



  1. Thanks Babe!!! I am the one who is lucky you are my wife and Mother to my beautiful children. We are in this for the long haul, no matter what! Thanks for the lovely post, I have to admit that most of the things that have made me into the man I am is the example of my own Pa!!! Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's this Beautiful day!!!!

  2. I love appreciation for a papa :)
