Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Unity, a blessing, and a chance to do it right

And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another. 
Mosiah 18:21
My house is not the perfect house, nor are my kids, nor am I. What I do know to be perfect is the church I attend, and the only person I know to be perfect is Jesus Christ. So often we forget and take for granted how much we can learn from the Lord. The things we can do. How easily it is to wake up in the morning to read a chapter or even just a verse from the scriptures. How easy it is to pick up the phone instead of screening your calls when someone is in need of help. How easy it can be to love everyone unconditionally, be a friend, and listen to those who need someone to vent to. It can be trite sometimes to serve so many people at once, but the end result is the feel good inside knowing you helped someone. 

 Besides my family, there is one thing in my life that I have treasured since receiving it in 2002, and I don't share it with just anyone because it is something valuable to me. And that thing is...

 I make an effort to read it every day. I have a copy of it in my journal, my scriptures, and my wallet. There is one sentence in my blessing that is so true, and I feel the need to share it with you. 

It is written that "I will never grow weary in doing good." 

I love that. So far it continues to be true. For the past nine and a half years I have looked back at all the things I have done in my life, and in all the wards we have lived in. I have to admit it has been a challenge in my ward here in New Jersey because there are so many in need, and so few who will help. Whatever their reasons may be... I am learning to not worry about it if others want to help or not, and only worry about what I can do. My husband works ten hour days, will come home close to 10pm on some evenings, and will wake up at 4:30am everyday to teach seminary. He has been doing that for four years now, and never once have I heard him complain about helping others. He has even done service at 11pm at night. The fact of the matter is that I am going to try my best to serve not only those in my congregation, but my neighbors, new friends that I have made in local stores, and my family...without any hesitation or complaining. 

It's a new year and I want it to be full of elation and energy...not depression or sadness. I see my kids on how easy they let things go when others have wronged them. When they themselves as siblings have hurt one another through actions or words. They all have huge hearts, and have learned to respect each other. They are the perfect example to me of resilience. They try so hard in avoiding the negative resistance that they face at school, in the world, and yes...even in our own ward. 
They are reminders to me that having fun is a great way to release tension. 
They are the ones who keep me going when life gets tough. 
 There are times when I do grow weary, and how easy it can be to take sleep for granted.  After a long evening of being at the church last night due to a meeting and helping a sister in need, I literally fell into my bed last night with my little boy. Cuddling with him while my husband was preparing for his seminary lesson was something that I really needed. See...I'm not perfect. It's natural to grow tired after doing something good, but to not grow weary in 'wanting' to do good.

 I feel so blessed to have that blessing in my life, because each day when I read gives me the chance to do it right, and the strength to be better. 
 And I want to be better.

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