Monday, September 9, 2013

humility, & gratitude.

Funny how one of the talks that were given at our sacrament meeting yesterday was on gratitude. The Lord knows what some of us need to hear, and even though I feel like I am one of the most gracious people in the world I can hear a talk about gratitude over, and over again. And relearn over, and over again.

Although I feel that I've been humbled for half of my life, and express my gratitude towards mankind in every single way there is still room to grow, and to "get" the full meaning of what it truly means to be humble and grateful. 

The nine bees are an important tool in our family, and we strive to have them anchored in our life on a daily basis. Lately, I have been in depth pondering, and praying to always be humble, and grateful. To truly feel the true meaning of humility, and gratitude. Because for the past 20 plus years Jon has NEVER had to struggle to find a job...ever.

Finding work in your 40's is not easy, and here he is getting a taste of what millions of Americans are going through, and boy is it humbling a man that is already humbled. Hey...there is always room for more humility right? 

Luckily for Jon, and his great personality I have faith that he will find something that he'll love. I have been a full time mom in my home since my Lexie was born. She is 13 years old now, and being a mom is the best job that I'll ever have! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I wouldn't trade an eight hour working day five times a week for some stranger to watch my little least not now. I wouldn't trade any kind of job that requires me to be away from my son in his toddler years, and I'm okay with that. 

Jon is the one who loves to work, and provide for this cute family that we have, and I've always known him to be such a patient, and outgoing man. This is one of the many reasons I married him. He has always been a man filled with gratitude. 

While serving his mission I was lucky enough to witness how kind, and involved he was with all the members in the church and with those that were investigating...including me. I know what you're thinking and no...we did not have any intention of getting together at all, nor did we "mess" around or even flirt on his mission! We did all that one year after he went home...honorably! I am one lucky girl to have married him though, and after all that we went through while he was courting me we were meant to be! 

He has always been patient with me with all the issues I had buried inside, and knew about all the nitty gritty things that I had done in my past. He has never been judgmental, and never will be. I swear this guy has nothing bad to say about anyone or anything! He is better than me in giving people the benefit of the doubt over, and over, and over again. I mean...that's the way it should be right? Here I am still working on that, and I honestly believe that I have gotten better at it.  

The time we are spending together lately without his phone ringing, (except for him checking his email, but that's all for a good reason) is something that I have gotten used to, and in all honesty it feels nice. I am loving his presence at home, but time flies and money doesn't grow on trees and now it's seriously time for him to get to work. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am to be grateful.

Watching my children grow up into adults, and mini me's is both exciting, and scary at the same time. Especially with Noah. I look at our son, and how he treats his sisters, and us with so much kindness  His favorite words are please, thank you, and I love you. When he accidentally bumps you he'll say "I'm sorry" with the sweetest little voice, and a smile in return. He is a wonderful little boy who reminds me a lot of his father, and I believe that he is off to a good start in developing all the attributes that his dad has. 

I want our children to be humble, and grateful without envy. Compassionate, and caring without being judgemental. Loving, and fellowshipping with a genuine heart. Most of all I hope that they (and we) will never give up in enduring to the end. 
“There they are, nine Be’s which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.”
~President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008)

Be grateful. 
Be Smart. 
Be Involved.
 Be Clean. 
Be True. 
Be Positive. 
Be Humble. 
Be Still. 
Be Prayerful. 

I am so thankful for this wonderful man who emphasized these nine essential characteristics that we all do our best in acquiring to do. I hope that my attitude will carry the nine bees at all times, and in all places. 

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