You love every kind of fruit there is. You also love oatmeal. You love granola, and crackers. You eat too healthy for your own good, yet you still have a love for corn dogs and french fries. You are still the pickiest eater out of the whole clan. I go through a bag of cuties every three days. Luckily we have an Aldi's close by where they only charge 3.99 a bag. But after taking you to the dentist yesterday...I don't think too much acidic foods are good for your teeth. So we'll need to cut back on the cuties a bit. Sorry! You know how much I love our teeth!
Sometimes I have to hide them from you because you can eat them all day which will result in really rank, not to runny, but muddy looking diapers. Your poop smells like an adults poop, which usually means that I need to start potty training you. You even squat like adults do. Is that a sign telling me to teach you to use the potty? I'll take that as a 'yes'. Oh...and why do you have to be so regular? Especially when you eat fruit & fiber. I wish I could eat as healthy as you, and cleanse my bowel system as regular as you. I buy all these healthy snacks, but I don't eat any. I leave them all for you, and your sisters. I feel that I eat pretty good, but feel the need to cut back on pop. Especially Diet coke. I heard it's bad for me anyway. Then again I like to drink Dr. Pepper. I heard that's bad for me too. Oh well...if it's okay with my body I'll still drink them in moderation!
Back to the cuties. You are too cute the way you say 'frut' (fruit). Seeing your little hands trying to peel them is the cutest thing in the world. Reminds me of how I used to peel them except I would get impatient and would end up biting it just so I can get it to peel quicker. Oh...those were the naval oranges. Never mind. Cuties are much easier to peel, yet you still have a hard time. They are so tiny that it's easy to put so many in your mouth at one time. Sometimes I have to tell you time and time again, "do not shove them all at once in your mouth!" You nearly choked on a mouthful once, and scared me half to death! Good thing I know how to do the Heimlich maneuver! I have to help you take them apart just to show you how that they need to be eaten one at a time. I call them little orange moons. You call them 'frut'. You'll get the hang of it, and when your older you can tell your posterity that '"the mama fed me cuties when I was little", and you can tell them your version of the story!
Love, Mom
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