Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chelsea's best bud

This is my friend Michael and  him and his mom-mom wait with me, and my mom for the bus in the morning. School started six months ago, and he just now barely had the nerve to ask me out to eat chinese with his mom-mom, and daddy. His grandpa passed away a few weeks ago, and I was sad for him. He's always happy, but his mom-mom seems down sometimes. I'm glad my mom is her new friend too!

He was happy to have finally asked me out to eat, and wants me to have a playdate with him every Saturday. If it's okay with my mom I would like for us to play. We've known and seen him, his dad, and his grandparents this whole time at the bus stop since school started, but are now super tight friends. His dad is a firefighter, and he likes to pretend to save people from fires (I'm one of them). He lets me ride his scooter while he rides his bike, and we pick rocks. My mom just met his mom the other day, and is becoming really close friends with his mom-mom. He calls his grandma that! Mom-mom, ha!ha! that's different.

I love my mom, and I love having a new best friend who doesn't play rough like the boys in my class. They always get in trouble. I wish Michael was in the same class with me, but that's okay because I see him every morning at the bus stop, and we'll have our Saturdays to play around! I'm also happy that my mom, and his mom-mom are becoming close friends, and that we live so close to each other.

He is my new best friend!

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