Monday, June 25, 2012

stop it.

Our lesson in Relief Society yesterday was taught by a wonderful sister. We all got into a discussion in hopes that we would heed the words of this talk addressed by President Deiter F. Uchtdorf.

In this talk President Uchtdorf spoke so lovingly on how we should be kindhearted to those around us, and how hard it can be to do that even though we have the word of God. He explained how we should exhibit more kindness, love, and when any kind of relationship is filled with contention that we should strive to live a Christlike life, and to try to fix it. Throughout the lesson we as sisters commented, and expressed our thoughts and experiences on how we have found ways to help ourselves in how to deal with conflict in terms of judging, being judged, and contention.

Although I watched President Uchtdorf present his talk worldwide via satellite this past April during general reminded me again of how I should react to others, and to remain tenderhearted. I feel as if I have mastered the forgiveness part. Mastered it because I have been tested by the Lord many, many times in my life, but really feel that I passed the test because of how I have handled a few confrontations of my own this past year. We need to constantly pray for a change of attitude, and rely on the gospel if some of us have a problem with forgiving others. I know I have prayed my heart out in that area, hence helping me to deal with any contentious situation.

It's disheartening when one holds you in contempt making you feel so bad that you bite your tounge, and take in all those hurtful words because you don't want to prolong the contention. Bottom line is that both parties need to look at the big picture, and realize that we all have battles, and to remember the words "STOP IT."

We don't know how the other feels or what they are going through at that point in their life. None of us will ever master perfection on trying to live a righteous life. The whole point of the lesson yesterday was to forgive others, have mercy on those who may not reciprocate it, and to be earnest.

So this lesson really influenced my life once again to not judge those whom I feel are not reacting, serving, or behaving in ways the Lord would want us to, or let's be honest...the way I would want them too. I'm not perfect, but the Lord knows who I am, the things that I do, and when its done with goodness, and a Christlike love.

After all... we are all unique in this world with different mindsets, and different spiritual levels, and that's what makes us special individuals.

His talk influenced my life in ways on how to deal with different attitudes from all walks of life. Living in different states throughout my life has taught me how to handle different personalities, and cultures. It has influenced my life in ways that helps us to teach our own children how to avoid contention, be virtuous, and to judge righteously...not to be unethical, sinful, and hurtful. We are all Heavenly Fathers children, and I know that He would want us to treat each other as equals with genuine love.

I want to be better in seeing everyone in God's eyes no matter their flaws, and imperfections. I'm sure others may look at me that way, and that's fine. That's how it should be. For everyone in this world should work as a whole... for someday we are all going to stand before the Savior, and explain to Him our behavior that was portrayed in this mortal life.

So every time I open up my scriptures, write in my journal, or look at my cork board in the kitchen, I will look at these words that an apostle of the Lord said two months ago, and know that I can try my very best to live by these two simple words: 

Stop it. 

Holding grudges
judging others
wanting to cause harm
withholding forgiveness
ignoring others
withholding mercy
throwing stones

 Stop it!
~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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