Thursday, October 18, 2012

one mom+four kids= time.

Since the school year began schedules have been hectic, but pretty well-balanced. The kids all seem to be doing great in school, and their spiritual well-being has been at a premium. Last night I had this feeling something was lacking. I feel as if I have found myself taking the small and simple things for granted such as spending equal time with each of our kids.

Spending time with Noah is easy because he stays home with me all day.

Having three daughters can be pretty tough especially when you want to give each of them mommy, and me time. They all deserve my love, and attention, and I have come up with certain solutions in being better in that department. I hope that I will continue to have the strength in being consistent. I never want to forget or take my calling as a mother for granted.

My first solution is to not be on the computer as much.
I try to get in my daily quotes, birthday messages on facebook, and check my email once the kids are all off to school. They have always come first in the morning before any kind of media is turned on! As much as I love blogging I need to not do it while they are all at home. I really try to blog late at night, or when Noah is napping during the day. If I skip a day of blogging due to family time it's okay. I can always combine a couple of days of my harmonious combination in one post.

Second solution...turn off the television.
Even though we hardly watch television (unless it's the debate) there are days when Noah craves cartoons on PBS, and I crave my netflix. I think I got him spoiled by watching too many disney movies on the computer (all legally downloaded I can assure you), or having him play Angry birds on my iphone. I have learned to be strong, and not give in as much. Just because he's the baby, and only the boy in our family doesn't excuse it. Sorry son!

Third the Lord equal time as well as our children. 
There are days in which are scripture study doesn't get done, and days where I'll say, "I don't care if dad comes home at late, or if we are all exhausted due to shcool, and activities...we are reading!" The kids always oblige without any whining. They know how important the word of God is in our home , and how important it is for our family to be nourished by it. I don't know about you, but we are one of those families that need that extra spiritual strength to get us through each day. I am grateful for that moment because for those thirty minutes we as parents are giving our time to our children, and to the Lord.

One thing I love about my better half is that no matter how late he comes home he always goes upstairs to tuck the girls in. So after we read my better half gave his time tucking Chelsea in, and then to Lexie by giving her advice when in comes to acing her quizzes in Algebra. He always makes a subject fun, and I could hear them laughing, and talking loud. He has that magical touch when it comes to giving our girls a boost when it comes to their studies.

Sierra headed to bed, and luckily we had our daily dose of mother & daughter time earlier since she had half a day of school due to another college tour that was provided by her high school. We have been like what mod podge does to wood, and spending a lot of time together...especially when it comes to driving. Being that it's her senior year I am taking advantage of her time in driving me around when I have errands to run.

I continued to hear laughter from upstairs and decided to join in. Instead I saw my youngest daughter under the covers still awake with a "feeling left out look". I immediately thought of another solution, and that's when I decided to curl up with her on her bed, and really focus on her. So often I take the little things for granted such as snuggling with our youngest daughter, and noticing not one, but two dimples on her cheeks.  That's when I grabbed my phone, and began snapping a few photos.
I'll tell you it felt really good to lay down with her even if it was just for a few minutes to tell her I love her, and that I wish I had straight hair like her. I took the time to examine her dimples when she would smile. I have seen her give of her time in playing with her little brother by reading to him after she has practiced piano, and done her homework. So what's my excuse?

What she loved the most were the kisses I gave her before I headed to bed.

With three girls it's hard to give them all equal time, and I am so grateful that I realized that I need to be more attentive to all of them, and not just one. Even though I feel the girls are all doing great in school with no major issues or complaints it's important for me as a mother to interact with them more.

Even if it's just by snuggling, and taking silly photos...without any makeup!

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